General Radiology

No appointment necessary

Covered by the RAMQ

General radiology or “X-Ray” remains an essential basic diagnostic tool . All our equipment is fully digital.

Head and neck
Skull, Sinus, Mastoids, Facial bones, Orbits, Nose, Soft tissue of the neck, Cavum, Mandible

Lower Limbs
Femur, Knee, Patella, Leg, Ankle, Foot, Heel, Toe

Lungs, Thorax, Sternum, Abdomen

Spine and pelvis
Dorsal, Lumbo-sacral, Sacrum, Coccyx, Pelvis, Pelvis and hips

Upper limbs
Clavicle, Scapula, Shoulder, Humerus, Elbow, Forearm, Wrist, Hand, Finger

Articular serie, Metastatic serie, Scoliotic serie, Bone age, Lower limbs scanogram

The duration of the radiological examination varies according to the area to be X-rayed. It generally ranges between 5 and 15 minutes.

Pregnancy is a relative contraindication. In this case, consider the risks and benefits depending on the clinical situation.

Digital general radiology:____________________________
  • No fees, covered by the RAMQ.
  • Variable costs if prescribed by a chiropractor, podiatrist, or non-resident person in Quebec.
  • To see the rates for a patient referred by Podiatrist Click HERE
  • To see the rates for a patient referred by a Chiropractor Click HERE
  • Costs 5$ for each copy of report for your personal file
  • 10$ for each copy of the images on CD for your personal file.

You do not need an appointment for this examination, just present yourself with your prescription and your Medicare card to the clinic of your choice.

By phone

LaSalle - 514 365-7766LACHINE - 514 637-4404DELSON - 450 845-6789IDS - 514-687-2323MÉTRO MONK - 514 368-3246


No preparation is required. Please advise us if you think you are pregnant.

When coming in for your exam, be sure to bring:

  • The original request signed by your doctor.
  • Your valid Medicare card (RAMQ).
  • Let us know if you think you are pregnant.

Contact details and opening hours

LASALLE1500 rue Dollard, Bureau 101LaSalle, Quebec, H8N 1T5 Monday to Friday8h00 to 16h00

LACHINE2600, rue Victoria, Suite BLachine, Quebec, H8S 1Z3 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

DELSON58, Boulevard Marie-VictorinDelson, Quebec, J5B 1A9 Monday to Thrusday8h30 to 20h00Friday8h30 to 16h00Saturday10h00 to 16h00

RADIOLOGIE METRO MONK2529, rue Allard, bureau 100Montréal, Québec, H4E 2L4 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

ÎLE-DES-SOEURS8, Place du Commerce, # 200Île-des-Soeurs, Quebec, H3E 1N3 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30