Magnetic resonance (MRI)

Magnetic resonance (MRI)

By appointment only

Not covered by the RAMQ

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a safe examination technique using magnetic field instead of ionizing radiation (X-rays). MRI has revolutionized medical imaging by its great capacity to differentiate tissues (bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, biological fluids …).

It therefore can help diagnose some lesions that are not visible through other examination techniques such as radiography, ultrasound or Computed Tomography (CT scan).

Appointment available at the following clinics:

Radiologie LaSalle

MRI, is the technique of choice for evaluating the brain, spine, musculoskeletal system, temporomandibular joints (TMJ), blood vessels, breast, abdomen and the reproductive system. There are however a few absolute contraindications such as the presence of a pacemaker, some metal implants etc ... It is important to report any prior surgery or surgical material such aneurysm clips, implants, etc ...

Our equipment, uses advanced technology and has a large aperture of 70 cm and a short tunnel of 125 cm. It allows larger people to feel more comfortable during the exam and reduces anxiety in claustrophobic patients.

After registration, the technologist will position you so that the region to be examined is in the center of the MRI unit. At any time during the examination, you can speak with the technologist using the microphone.

Some types of examinations require the injection of a contrast agent (gadolinium), generally well tolerated, to increase the sensitivity of detection and characterization of some lesions.

It is rare for claustrophobic patients to be unable to get through an MRI exam, especially since the opening of our MRI unit is large and the tunnel is short. Our experienced staff will assist you throughout the exam. Sometimes, the prescription of an anxiolytic by your doctor might help. Should that be the case, you must be accompanied and cannot drive.

The duration of the MRI exam varies between 30 and 60 minutes.

Some are absolute contraindications:


  • Pacemaker
  • Neurostimulator or implanted defibrillator
  • Insulin pump situated under the skin
  • Clip on a cerebral aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation.
  • Metal fragment in an eye
  • Cochlear implant (inner ear)
  • Magnetic eye implant
  • Magnetic penile implant


Other contraindications are relative and are listed on our contraindications form. If such form is not available on the doctor request, our secretary will be pleased to complete it with you over the phone.

Magnetic resonance (MRI)

Polygon of Willis

Spine 1 segment

Spine 2 segments (6 sequences)

Spine 3 segments (9 sequences)

Cervical spine and brachial plexus





Arthro MRI (with Gladolinium)

Supplement for infusion of Gadolinium

Prices subject to change without notice

  • First copy free, 10$ for each additional copy of the images on CD for your personal file


  • Please make sure to have the MRI contraindications form completed by your doctor. If not available, our secretary will complete it with you over the phone.
  • On the day of the exam, do not wear makeup or jewelry.
  • For abdominal MRI, be fasting 4 hours before the exam.

When coming for your exam, be sure to bring:

  • The original exam request signed by your doctor.
  • Your valid Medicare card (RAMQ) for opening your file.
  • Payment for your examination.

CSST and SAAQ cases

Send us by fax or e-mail the request signed by your doctor, your contact information, the file number, the name and fax number of the agent responsible for your file. We must request an authorization for your exam before planning your visit.

Contact details and opening hours

LASALLE1500 rue Dollard, Bureau 101LaSalle, Quebec, H8N 1T5 Monday to Friday8h00 to 16h00

LACHINE2600, rue Victoria, Suite BLachine, Quebec, H8S 1Z3 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

DELSON58, Boulevard Marie-VictorinDelson, Quebec, J5B 1A9 Monday to Thrusday8h30 to 20h00Friday8h30 to 16h00Saturday10h00 to 16h00

RADIOLOGIE METRO MONK2529, rue Allard, bureau 100Montréal, Québec, H4E 2L4 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

ÎLE-DES-SOEURS8, Place du Commerce, # 200Île-des-Soeurs, Quebec, H3E 1N3 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

ÉCHO QUATUOR800 rue du Square-Victoria, suite 2720Montreal, Quebec, H3C 0B4 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

General and specialized ultrasound

General and specialized ultrasound

By appointment only

Covered by the RAMQ

The ultrasound exam is a basic, simple, fast, versatile, non-invasive and radiation free diagnostic tool. It uses ultrasounds to create an image. Ultrasounds are emitted from a probe, pass through the body, are reflected by the various organs, are captured by the same probe and are finally translated by a computer as images that will be interpreted by the radiologist.

Ultrasounds are directed to an area of interest according to clinical symptoms. For example, during an abdominal ultrasound we will study the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, spleen, pancreas and aorta. For pelvic ultrasound exams, most often in women, the exam focuses on the uterus, ovaries and bladder (which must be full to move up the intestines that block ultrasounds).


Doppler exams allow a more specific study of cardiovascular circulation. They are indicated for the following investigations: Heart - Carotids - Arteries and veins of the limbs - Renal and digestive arteries.

The probe, coated with a non-allergenic and odorless gel, is moved over the concerned area for the acquisition of the images that appear on the screen and are digitally recorded.

The duration of the ultrasound exam is between 10 and 30 minutes depending on the kind of examination.

General and specialized ultrasound:

  • No fees, covered by the RAMQ
  • Variable expenses if prescribed by a chiropractor, podiatrist, or non-resident person in Quebec.
  • To see the rates for a non-resident person in Quebec referred for an ultrasound exam Click HERE
  • 5$ for each copy of report for your personal file
  • 10$ for each copy of the images on CD for your personal file.


Abdominal and renal ultrasound
Renal and digestive Doppler

Be fasting: do not eat, drink or smoke at least 5 hours before the exam.

Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound

Drink 700 ml (3 large glasses) of water only 1:30 before the scheduled appointment. Do not take anything else. Do not urinate before the end of the examination.

Pelvic ultrasound
Pelvic endo-vaginal ultrasound

Drink 700 ml (3big glasses) of liquid 1h30 before the time of the appointment. Do not urinate before the exam.


  • The original request signed by your doctor.
  • Your valid Medicare card.

Contact details and opening hours

LASALLE1500 rue Dollard, Bureau 101LaSalle, Quebec, H8N 1T5 Monday to Friday8h00 to 16h00

LACHINE2600, rue Victoria, Suite BLachine, Quebec, H8S 1Z3 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

DELSON58, Boulevard Marie-VictorinDelson, Quebec, J5B 1A9 Monday to Thrusday8h30 to 20h00Friday8h30 to 16h00Saturday10h00 to 16h00

RADIOLOGIE METRO MONK2529, rue Allard, bureau 100Montréal, Québec, H4E 2L4 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

ÎLE-DES-SOEURS8, Place du Commerce, # 200Île-des-Soeurs, Quebec, H3E 1N3 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

ÉCHO QUATUOR800 rue du Square-Victoria, suite 2720Montreal, Quebec, H3C 0B4 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

Bone densitometry

Bone densitometry

By appointment only

Covered by the RAMQ

BMD is used to evaluate bone mass and fracture risk.

What is osteoporosis : Osteoporosis is a disease that causes thinning and weakening of the bones. Normally the bone is regenerated regularly. With osteoporosis, new bone tissue is not produced in sufficient quantity to replace removed bone tissue. This causes a loss of bone mass or bone density, which may lead to fragility fractures after minor trauma.

Appointment available at the following clinics:


After registering, the technologist fills a questionnaire with you and notes your weight and your height. Thereafter, you lie comfortably on the examination table while the technologist performs the imaging of the lumbar vertebrae and hip. Also X-rays (in lateral view) of your dorsal and lumbar spine are done. Measurements from the BMD and X-rays are then analyzed by the radiologist. Total duration of the exam is approximately 15 minutes.

Total duration of the exam is approximately 15 minutes.

No fees, entirely covered by the RAMQ.

  • $5, for each copy of the report for personal file.
  • $10, for each copy of CD for personal file.


  • Do not take any calcium supplement within the prior 48 hours before the exam.
  • Do not undergo any exam with barium or nuclear medicine within the prior 10 days before.

When coming in for your exam, make sure to bring: 

  • The original exam request signed by your doctor
  • Your valid health insurance card (RAMQ)

Causes and risk factors

Osteoporosis is not just related to aging. Factors that may increase the risk of osteoporosis include:

  • Age: 65 and older
  • Early menopause (lack of certain hormones (estrogen))
  • The use of corticosteroids (cortisone, ...)
  • Specific lifestyles (smoking, alcohol, lack of exercise, ...)
  • Diet poor in calcium and vitamin D
  • Family history of osteoporosis
  • Some diseases (Crohn's, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, ...)

Types of fractures

The most common fractures occur at the spine, hip (e.g. after a fall).


Vertebral fractures by gradual crushing may go unnoticed and cause a loss of height or a stooped posture. These fractures are not always accompanied by pain. Only one third of all vertebral fractures will be brought to the doctor's attention.

Prevention and treatment

It is important to reduce the risk of osteoporosis to a minimum. This includes understanding who is at risk for osteoporosis and establishing a treatment quickly to prevent the disease. If someone already has osteoporosis, early screening is essential to prevent fractures.

  • Have a regular intake of calcium and vitamin D
  • Exercise (such as walking, weight training, or climbing stairs)
  • A healthy, smoke-free lifestyle without excessive alcohol intake
  • Taking medication under medical supervision (such as biphosphanates...)

Contact details and opening hours

LASALLE1500 rue Dollard, Bureau 101LaSalle, Quebec, H8N 1T5 Monday to Friday8h00 to 16h00

LACHINE2600, rue Victoria, Suite BLachine, Quebec, H8S 1Z3 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

DELSON58, Boulevard Marie-VictorinDelson, Quebec, J5B 1A9 Monday to Thrusday8h30 to 20h00Friday8h30 to 16h00Saturday10h00 to 16h00

RADIOLOGIE METRO MONK2529, rue Allard, bureau 100Montréal, Québec, H4E 2L4 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

ÎLE-DES-SOEURS8, Place du Commerce, # 200Île-des-Soeurs, Quebec, H3E 1N3 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

ÉCHO QUATUOR800 rue du Square-Victoria, suite 2720Montreal, Quebec, H3C 0B4 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

Specialized Radiology

Specialized Radiology

By appointment only

Covered by the RAMQ

Specialized radiology, using x-rays, generally requires absorption, introduction or injection of contrast agents depending to the requested examination.

For example, digestive studies use barium (white X-ray opaque liquid) to study the digestive system.

The musculo-skeletal infiltration involve injecting a mixture of anti-inflammatory and anesthetic in or around a joint to relieve pain often due to osteoarthritis or inflammation.

Appointment available at the following clinic:

Radiologie LaSalle

Digestive examinations totally covered by the RAMQ

Esophagus only and / or swallowing study
Double-contrast upper gastrointestinal study (esophagus, stomach / upper digestive tract)


Diagnostic arthrography
Therapeutic arthrography
Distensive arthrography of the shoulder
Facet block

The duration of specialized radiological examinations varies between 15 and 30 minutes.

Digital specialized radiology:

  • Esophagus, upper digestive tract (stomach): No fee, covered by the RAMQ.
  • Arthrography and infiltrations and facet blocks: No fee, covered by the RAMQ.
  • 5$ for each copy of report for your personal file
  • 10$ for each copy of the images on CD for your personal file.

Pregnancy can be a contraindication for infiltration under fluoroscopy (X-ray). Infiltration could then be done under ultrasound guidance.


If you are allergic to iodine you must notify the staff when making your appointments or the technologist. Often it will still be possible to perform the infiltration without the injection of iodine


Esophagus – upper digestive tract (stomach)
Fasting : do not eat, drink or smoke after 22h the night before the exam.

Exams with no preparation

Arthrography and infiltrations* :No preparation. If your have allergies, the iodine contrast can sometimes be replaced by air contrast.

Distensive arthrography of the shoulder *: No preparation, make sure to have an appointment with a physiotherapist in the following 24 to 48 hours to facilitate the physiotherapy exercises while the shoulder is less sensitive as a result of the injection of long-term anesthetic.

Facet blocks*, No preparation

The examination process

After your registration, the technologist fills a questionnaire with you about your health and possible allergies. Explanations concerning the exam are provided by the technologist or the radiologist.


Esophagus, upper digestive tract (stomach):
You will be asked to drink barium (white X-ray opaque liquid). The progression of the barium is monitored on a screen by the radiologist who takes images in different positions. The duration of the exam is approximately 10 minutes for the study of the esophagus and the upper digestive tract (stomach).


Diagnostic arthrography:
The purpose of the exam is to find the cause of pain or any problem. Under local anesthesia, a contrast medium (x-ray opaque dye) is injected into the affected joint and the x-rays taken are interpreted by the radiologist.


Therapeutic arthrography:
The purpose of the exam is to relieve pain. Under local anesthesia, a contrast medium (x-ray opaque dye) is injected into the joint or the diseased area to ensure the correct position of the needle. Thereafter a mixture of anesthetic and anti-inflammatory (cortisone) is injected into the joint or the specific area. In the case of osteoarthritis and recurrent pain, an injection of a viscosupplementation, provided by the patient (eg. Synvisc, Durolane..) could be made into a joint.


Distensive arthrography of the shoulder:
The purpose of the exam is to give back the capsule (shell of the joint) its normal elasticity and mobility. Under local anesthesia, a contrast medium (X-ray opaque dye) is injected into the shoulder joint followed by injection of a mixture of anti-inflammatory (cortisone) and 10 cc of anesthetic in the joint to distend the capsule, reduce pain and decrease inflammation. It is important to perform physiotherapy exercises after your exam, unless otherwise directed by your doctor .


Pre-MRI arthrography (arthro-MRI):
This exam is designed to enhance magnetic resonance images. In a radiology room, under local anesthesia, a product (Gadolinium) which enhances magnetic resonance images is injected with an occasional contrast (dye opaque to X-rays). The examination continues in the MRI room.


Facet block:
This exam is designed to relieve recurrent pain in the spine. A mixture of anesthetic and cortisone is injected into the periphery of the facet joints located on either side of the spine.

Contact details and opening hours

LASALLE1500 rue Dollard, Bureau 101LaSalle, Quebec, H8N 1T5 Monday to Friday8h00 to 16h00

LACHINE2600, rue Victoria, Suite BLachine, Quebec, H8S 1Z3 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

DELSON58, Boulevard Marie-VictorinDelson, Quebec, J5B 1A9 Monday to Thrusday8h30 to 20h00Friday8h30 to 16h00Saturday10h00 to 16h00

RADIOLOGIE METRO MONK2529, rue Allard, bureau 100Montréal, Québec, H4E 2L4 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

ÎLE-DES-SOEURS8, Place du Commerce, # 200Île-des-Soeurs, Quebec, H3E 1N3 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

ÉCHO QUATUOR800 rue du Square-Victoria, suite 2720Montreal, Quebec, H3C 0B4 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

General Radiology

General Radiology

No appointment necessary

Covered by the RAMQ

General radiology or “X-Ray” remains an essential basic diagnostic tool . All our equipment is fully digital.

Head and neck
Skull, Sinus, Mastoids, Facial bones, Orbits, Nose, Soft tissue of the neck, Cavum, Mandible

Lower Limbs
Femur, Knee, Patella, Leg, Ankle, Foot, Heel, Toe

Lungs, Thorax, Sternum, Abdomen

Spine and pelvis
Dorsal, Lumbo-sacral, Sacrum, Coccyx, Pelvis, Pelvis and hips

Upper limbs
Clavicle, Scapula, Shoulder, Humerus, Elbow, Forearm, Wrist, Hand, Finger

Articular serie, Metastatic serie, Scoliotic serie, Bone age, Lower limbs scanogram

The duration of the radiological examination varies according to the area to be X-rayed. It generally ranges between 5 and 15 minutes.

Pregnancy is a relative contraindication. In this case, consider the risks and benefits depending on the clinical situation.

Digital general radiology:


  • No fees, covered by the RAMQ.
  • Variable costs if prescribed by a chiropractor, podiatrist, or non-resident person in Quebec.
  • To see the rates for a patient referred by Podiatrist Click HERE
  • To see the rates for a patient referred by a Chiropractor Click HERE
  • Costs 5$ for each copy of report for your personal file
  • 10$ for each copy of the images on CD for your personal file.

You do not need an appointment for this examination, just present yourself with your prescription and your Medicare card to the clinic of your choice.

By phone

LaSalle - 514 365-7766LACHINE - 514 637-4404DELSON - 450 845-6789IDS - 514-687-2323MÉTRO MONK - 514 368-3246


No preparation is required. Please advise us if you think you are pregnant.

When coming in for your exam, be sure to bring:

  • The original request signed by your doctor.
  • Your valid Medicare card (RAMQ).
  • Let us know if you think you are pregnant.

Contact details and opening hours

LASALLE1500 rue Dollard, Bureau 101LaSalle, Quebec, H8N 1T5 Monday to Friday8h00 to 16h00

LACHINE2600, rue Victoria, Suite BLachine, Quebec, H8S 1Z3 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

DELSON58, Boulevard Marie-VictorinDelson, Quebec, J5B 1A9 Monday to Thrusday8h30 to 20h00Friday8h30 to 16h00Saturday10h00 to 16h00

RADIOLOGIE METRO MONK2529, rue Allard, bureau 100Montréal, Québec, H4E 2L4 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

ÎLE-DES-SOEURS8, Place du Commerce, # 200Île-des-Soeurs, Quebec, H3E 1N3 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

ÉCHO QUATUOR800 rue du Square-Victoria, suite 2720Montreal, Quebec, H3C 0B4 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30



By appointment only

Covered by the RAMQ

Our mammography is a designated screening center (CDD) recognized by the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services for Breast Cancer Screening (PQDCS) and accredited by the Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR) »

« Radiologie LaSalle currently has the latest generation digital mammography equipment offering high resolution and image quality »

Appointments available at the following clinic:

Radiologie LaSalle

Mammography is a specialized examination for early cancer detection and diagnosis of other common breast diseases. In addition to mammography, if necessary, we offer a breast ultrasound Service.

Screening mammograms are covered by the RAMQ beginning at age 40:

  • With a doctor's prescription for women aged 40 to 49 or age 70 and over;
  • With an invitation letter from PQDCS or a doctor's prescription for women aged 50 to 69.

Diagnostic mammograms for women of all ages with a prescription from a doctor are also covered by the RAMQ.

Also offered

  • Breast ultrasound
  • Ultrasound-guided cyst puncture

Following your registration, the technologist performs your digital Mammography. During the exam, the breast is compressed to reduce its thickness to obtain a precise image and to reduce the quantity of radiation required.


The risk of developing a cancer as a result of repeated mammograms is practically nonexistent.


Some women may feel some sensitivity to breast compression. It is usually brief and transitory and you should not worry.

Approximatively 15 minutes

Digital screening mammography or additional mammography:

Breast ultrasound


  • No fees, covered by the RAMQ.
  • 5$ for each copy of report for your personal file - 10$ for each copy of the images on CD for your personal file


If your breasts are sensitive it is preferable to avoid coffee, tea, chocolate and colas during the two weeks prior to the exam. For the same reason, It is recommended to have the mammography within 10 days of the start of your period or when your breast are less sensitive. You can take two Acetaminophen (Tylenol*) or Ibuprofen 1 hour before the exam.

Do not use deodorant, powder, cream or perfume on your breasts and armpits. These products cause false images that can be mistaken for lesions.

We suggest you wear two-piece clothing as you only need to remove the top to complete the exam.

To reduce any anxiety which may be related to the mammography exam or complementary tests, we suggest to:

Make a list of all the questions you want to ask your doctor. Feel free to share openly your fears and concerns. We encourage you to write down the answers we give you.

If you wish, you may be accompanied by another person as two people often retain more elements and details.

Ask when you should be getting your exam results so as not to worry unnecessarily.



The most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in Quebec.

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in Quebec. It is estimated that one woman in nine may develop this kind of cancer during her life. Being a woman and getting older are the two main risk factors. Having a family history of breast cancer (maternal, grandmother, mother, sister, etc.) is also a risk factor, but the majority of women do not have a family history of breast cancer. Even if you do not feel anything, mammography can find very small changes in your breasts. Mammography is currently recognized as the most effective method to detect breast cancer.


It is possible that after learning the results of your mammogram, your doctor (or the radiologist) invites you to undergo further testing. This does not necessarily mean that you have breast cancer.


In the vast majority of cases, there is no breast cancer. Indeed, in the context of screening, the majority of examinations reveal more noncancerous lesions.

These additional tests may include:

X-ray images
Taking additional mammograms to clarify the nature of the lesion.


This exam is complementary to mammography. It is use to re-evaluation a given area, or to further look at mammographically dense breasts.


Breast MRI, magnetic resonance
Uses a magnetic field. It is indicated in combination with mammography in patients at high risk of cancer. Or, occasionnally, to assess the extent of a known breast cancer.


Fine needle biopsy
Cell sampling performed with a fine needle in the location where a lesion is found in the breast.

Core needle biopsy
Tissue sampling with a larger needle in a breast lesion.


Surgical biopsy
Sample of a portion of the lesion through surgery.


Stereotactic localization
Allows placement of a wire in a non-palpable lesion with computer guidance. This wire serves as a guide for surgical removal at the precise area where the lesion is located.

Contact details and opening hours

LASALLE1500 rue Dollard, Bureau 101LaSalle, Quebec, H8N 1T5 Monday to Friday8h00 to 16h00

LACHINE2600, rue Victoria, Suite BLachine, Quebec, H8S 1Z3 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

DELSON58, Boulevard Marie-VictorinDelson, Quebec, J5B 1A9 Monday to Thrusday8h30 to 20h00Friday8h30 to 16h00Saturday10h00 to 16h00

RADIOLOGIE METRO MONK2529, rue Allard, bureau 100Montréal, Québec, H4E 2L4 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

ÎLE-DES-SOEURS8, Place du Commerce, # 200Île-des-Soeurs, Quebec, H3E 1N3 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

ÉCHO QUATUOR800 rue du Square-Victoria, suite 2720Montreal, Quebec, H3C 0B4 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30