Specialized Radiology

By appointment only

Covered by the RAMQ

Specialized radiology, using x-rays, generally requires absorption, introduction or injection of contrast agents depending to the requested examination.

For example, digestive studies use barium (white X-ray opaque liquid) to study the digestive system.

The musculo-skeletal infiltration involve injecting a mixture of anti-inflammatory and anesthetic in or around a joint to relieve pain often due to osteoarthritis or inflammation.

Appointment available at the following clinic:

Radiologie LaSalle

Digestive examinations totally covered by the RAMQEsophagus only and / or swallowing studyDouble-contrast upper gastrointestinal study (esophagus, stomach / upper digestive tract) Diagnostic arthrographyTherapeutic arthrographyDistensive arthrography of the shoulderFacet block

The duration of specialized radiological examinations varies between 15 and 30 minutes.

Digital specialized radiology:
  • Esophagus, upper digestive tract (stomach): No fee, covered by the RAMQ.
  • Arthrography and infiltrations and facet blocks: No fee, covered by the RAMQ.
  • 5$ for each copy of report for your personal file
  • 10$ for each copy of the images on CD for your personal file.

Pregnancy can be a contraindication for infiltration under fluoroscopy (X-ray). Infiltration could then be done under ultrasound guidance. If you are allergic to iodine you must notify the staff when making your appointments or the technologist. Often it will still be possible to perform the infiltration without the injection of iodine


Esophagus – upper digestive tract (stomach)
Fasting : do not eat, drink or smoke after 22h the night before the exam.

Exams with no preparation

Arthrography and infiltrations* :No preparation. If your have allergies, the iodine contrast can sometimes be replaced by air contrast.

Distensive arthrography of the shoulder *: No preparation, make sure to have an appointment with a physiotherapist in the following 24 to 48 hours to facilitate the physiotherapy exercises while the shoulder is less sensitive as a result of the injection of long-term anesthetic.

Facet blocks*, No preparation

The examination process

After your registration, the technologist fills a questionnaire with you about your health and possible allergies. Explanations concerning the exam are provided by the technologist or the radiologist. Esophagus, upper digestive tract (stomach):You will be asked to drink barium (white X-ray opaque liquid). The progression of the barium is monitored on a screen by the radiologist who takes images in different positions. The duration of the exam is approximately 10 minutes for the study of the esophagus and the upper digestive tract (stomach). Diagnostic arthrography:The purpose of the exam is to find the cause of pain or any problem. Under local anesthesia, a contrast medium (x-ray opaque dye) is injected into the affected joint and the x-rays taken are interpreted by the radiologist. Therapeutic arthrography:The purpose of the exam is to relieve pain. Under local anesthesia, a contrast medium (x-ray opaque dye) is injected into the joint or the diseased area to ensure the correct position of the needle. Thereafter a mixture of anesthetic and anti-inflammatory (cortisone) is injected into the joint or the specific area. In the case of osteoarthritis and recurrent pain, an injection of a viscosupplementation, provided by the patient (eg. Synvisc, Durolane..) could be made into a joint. Distensive arthrography of the shoulder:The purpose of the exam is to give back the capsule (shell of the joint) its normal elasticity and mobility. Under local anesthesia, a contrast medium (X-ray opaque dye) is injected into the shoulder joint followed by injection of a mixture of anti-inflammatory (cortisone) and 10 cc of anesthetic in the joint to distend the capsule, reduce pain and decrease inflammation. It is important to perform physiotherapy exercises after your exam, unless otherwise directed by your doctor . Pre-MRI arthrography (arthro-MRI):This exam is designed to enhance magnetic resonance images. In a radiology room, under local anesthesia, a product (Gadolinium) which enhances magnetic resonance images is injected with an occasional contrast (dye opaque to X-rays). The examination continues in the MRI room. Facet block:This exam is designed to relieve recurrent pain in the spine. A mixture of anesthetic and cortisone is injected into the periphery of the facet joints located on either side of the spine.

Contact details and opening hours

LASALLE1500 rue Dollard, Bureau 101LaSalle, Quebec, H8N 1T5 Monday to Friday8h00 to 16h00

LACHINE2600, rue Victoria, Suite BLachine, Quebec, H8S 1Z3 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

DELSON58, Boulevard Marie-VictorinDelson, Quebec, J5B 1A9 Monday to Thrusday8h30 to 20h00Friday8h30 to 16h00Saturday10h00 to 16h00

RADIOLOGIE METRO MONK2529, rue Allard, bureau 100Montréal, Québec, H4E 2L4 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30

ÎLE-DES-SOEURS8, Place du Commerce, # 200Île-des-Soeurs, Quebec, H3E 1N3 Monday to Friday9h00 to 16h30